Physical Fitness Test
Applicants must download the Physical Fitness Test Booklet prior to being scheduled for their physical fitness test. This physical fitness booklet explains, in detail, each event and the minimum requirements for each event.
Applicants must successfully pass a Physical Fitness Test which encompasses the following events:

This is a measure of muscular endurance of the applicant's abdominal and hip flexor muscles. Applicants must lie on their backs, knees bent, with fingers interlocked behind their head, heels flat on the floor. Another applicant will hold their feet down. Heels will be approximately the distance between the applicant's outstretched thumb and small finger from the buttocks. From the "down or starting" position on their back, the applicant will raise their upper body, fingers interlocked behind their head, and touch their elbows to their knees at the "up" ending position. Applicants will then lower themselves until their shoulder blades touch the mat. This will be recorded as one (1) correct sit up. Applicants may rest only in the "up" position. The applicant's score will be the total number of correct sit ups completed in one (1) minute.

This is a measure of the applicant's muscular endurance of the upper body (anterior deltoids, pectorals and triceps). The applicant's hands are placed slightly wider than shoulder width apart, with fingers pointed forward. The administrator of the event will place one (1) sponge on the floor below the applicant's chest. If a male is testing a female applicant, a three (3) inch sponge should be placed under the sternum to substitute for the fist. Starting from the up position (elbows extended), the applicant must keep their back straight at all times and lower their body to the floor until their chest touches the administrator's fist or sponge. The applicant then returns to the up position. This is recorded as one (1) correct push up. Resting should be done only in the up position. The total number of push ups with correct form completed in one (1) minute is recorded as the score.

1.5 Mile Run
This test is used to measure the efficiency of the cardiovascular system and how it responds to imposed physical demand. The applicant must run or jog a distance of 1.5 miles in the shortest time possible. All scores are individually recorded.
300 Meter Run
This is a measure of applicant's anaerobic power capacity. Applicant's will run a distance of 300 meters at a maximal level of effort. The time used to complete the distance will be recorded in seconds.